One of my favorite scenes in Forrest Gump is when Forrest ran. By the end of his three years, two months, fourteen days and sixteen hours of running, he had a considerable following. His disciples weren’t very happy when he decided to stop, ‘cuz they thought he knew where he was going.
For all the irony of the movie, people really are like that. People will follow someone who is in motion.
And notice that Forrest wasn’t studying running. He wasn’t contemplating running. He wasn’t talking about running. He was just running.
“I ran for three years, two months, fourteen days and sixteen hours. When I was hungry, I ate.
When I was tired, I slept. When I had to go, you know, I went!”
-Forrest Gump
For all the irony of the movie, people really are like that. People will follow someone who is in motion.
And notice that Forrest wasn’t studying running. He wasn’t contemplating running. He wasn’t talking about running. He was just running.
“I ran for three years, two months, fourteen days and sixteen hours. When I was hungry, I ate.
When I was tired, I slept. When I had to go, you know, I went!”
-Forrest Gump