November 11, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Eat Pray Love is about a woman who had her life all set for her until everything suddenly shifted. Liz Gilbert was a woman who basically had it all – a loving husband, a great career and a beautiful home and so on – but unfortunately, sometimes people realize they have never gotten that one thing they truly wanted from life.

While she is on the brink of a painful divorce, Gilbert goes to find her true destiny, that thing she has been missing from her life. She travels to Italy, where she learns the appreciation of nourishment. She travels to India, where she learns the power of prayer. And lastly, she travels to Bali, where she finds that true meaning of love.

这是关于一个女人的心灵之旅,根据美国作家伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特的畅销小说拍摄而成。伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 饰演)是一名32岁的成功女性,她拥有这个年龄女人梦想的一切:帅气多金的丈夫史蒂芬(比利·克鲁德普 饰演)、宽大舒适的房子、前途无量的写作事业。然而,她过得并不快乐。一开始,她以为自己需要寻找一段新恋情,可是却事与愿违,仍旧摆脱不了困境。她发现自己从15岁开始,不是谈恋爱就是在分手,从没有什么时间好好去探寻自己的内心。这一次,她下定决心改变自己,放下工作,离职一年,开始一段旅程,寻找一份心灵的悸动,找回对于生活的热情。她的行程从意大利开始,途径印度,最后是巴厘岛。一路上,她欣赏不同的风景、不同的面孔,品尝各国的美食,找寻心灵的平静,邂逅一段异国恋情……