It is quite fun to be a shoe tester for the new brand Saucony (well, at least to me it is new). i still remember my first running shoes brand is PUMA . that is a bad , becaurse last time i totally dont have any running knowledge , i run without skill , i use my first shoes for running is PUMA , that is a basketball shoes , so it cause my leg was pain during my running .after one year, my shoes is destory , so i change the other brand is ASIC SPORT SHOES , IS QUITE GOOD shoes , i am wearing the 2 pair of ASIC shoes , after that i change to MIZUNO shoes , but the quality is not very good , cos i just wear in 8 month then the shoes was destory , after i find a really good brand name call the NEW BALANCE , yes is true , that is very good shoes , i using this shoes for 4 pair , till now i still wear it , but after i try the SAUCONY shoes , is when i meet the MR CHOI . he is introl me to try , YES , thank for MR choi . it was really damn good shoes and very light . Compare to serious runners, I’m a low mileage runner (weekly 8-20 k). With the rate I join races, and the lack of training, the running tools are my ultimate weapon in order for me to battle with those frequently train runners.This lead me just like a hamster always hunger for food nonstop, as I believe there will be always a better shoe out there, right? (Look at me… The shoe is out thereeeeee…)The new babe Sauconny fastwitch 2 speed approach just the right time when I am looking for long distance racer for penang bridge marathon This time, with the soft cushion of Saucony and easy to control forefoot, I immediately itchy on skin, I mean to race a 42k again, yup, really pump in a lot of confidence in the heart.Not all racer can use in 42k, NB773 (life span of 40k, YEW!), , . But this babe, fastwitch 2 speed (2 endurance for more cushion but less griping), is really amazing with the soft span in forefoot and heel, while not losing the main task of a racer, to get you go faster than normal running shoe. I even dare to recommend fastwitch 2 endurance to those heavy striker, those who land on forefoot or those who have a heavy forefoot stepping. For those effective striker (ahem, effective not mean fast J it’s just the way run is energy saving), fastwitch 2 speed is a new dude that must put in your shopping list, please do not believe me, test it out…