忙了几个星期,终于有空写一些生活点滴了,30,12 07 , 我们又见面了,哈哈真得很高兴,一年一次的约定没想到这么快又到来了,人物介绍,铁人(我), 老大( valerie) 老母鸡(catherine) , hahahha, i alway call her like this , hahah , she is so cute , pretty and can be my good model hahaha , she is very funny gal , can be happend many funny thing in her life , if 3 of us together , hahah play is most crazy ,this is the last year we celebration in kl , becaurse next year our lao da will be work in singapore , so maybe we will meet on next year in singapore hahah , hope our friendship will continue every year , and our stipulation , every year , hahah every year we exchange the chrimass gift . hahah hope u all like it the gift i buy for u all , and i want to thank your chrismass gift hehehe ,i am very happy on that day , even we meet is a short time , but we have a lot of fun , velerie ( lao da ) hope when i see u next time we dont fight again oOK , hahahah , dont think u are lao da i alway let u ok , haha i just want to be a good guy , if i want to fright with you , do u think u can win me ? u shit lah , u name only lao da lah , no body scare u . ok my dear friends , see u next year .
December 31, 2007
忙了几个星期,终于有空写一些生活点滴了,30,12 07 , 我们又见面了,哈哈真得很高兴,一年一次的约定没想到这么快又到来了,人物介绍,铁人(我), 老大( valerie) 老母鸡(catherine) , hahahha, i alway call her like this , hahah , she is so cute , pretty and can be my good model hahaha , she is very funny gal , can be happend many funny thing in her life , if 3 of us together , hahah play is most crazy ,this is the last year we celebration in kl , becaurse next year our lao da will be work in singapore , so maybe we will meet on next year in singapore hahah , hope our friendship will continue every year , and our stipulation , every year , hahah every year we exchange the chrimass gift . hahah hope u all like it the gift i buy for u all , and i want to thank your chrismass gift hehehe ,i am very happy on that day , even we meet is a short time , but we have a lot of fun , velerie ( lao da ) hope when i see u next time we dont fight again oOK , hahahah , dont think u are lao da i alway let u ok , haha i just want to be a good guy , if i want to fright with you , do u think u can win me ? u shit lah , u name only lao da lah , no body scare u . ok my dear friends , see u next year .
December 28, 2007
December 25, 2007
24 .12.07.potugis count down
December 15, 2007
Smooth Seas do not make skillful sailors 磨练造就强者
风吹动平静的海面,来回的碰撞就会造成浪花,浪花越大,对泛舟人而言就越危险。人生亦如一片海洋,风则是身边的一草一木,一兵一将, 一言一语,一举一动,波浪就是人生的起起落落,我们就是泛舟人。这样说,你能明白我的意思吗?只有强者可以被屡击而不倒。我们可以做的,是不断取进,磨练自己的技能和毅力,而不是想办法让风不吹,让海面静如止水。娇身惯养的我们, 没有吃过多少苦,没挨过几顿饿,哪能这么容易学会奋斗?各位,已经准备好成为一个强者了吗?
November 29, 2007
If The Feeling Is Gone
If the feeling is goneplease don't pretend that you still love meI can see it in your eyesand it hurts to admit itI can tell that the feeling is gone
All i ask is just a little honestyThough i know that you're not coming back to meYou know i'll do anything to make you stayBut i just have to let you knowIf the feeling is gone
There's a sadness in your smileThough I try to conceal itI can tell that the feeling is gone
All i ask is just a little honestyThough i know that you're not coming back to meYou know i'll do anything to make you stayBut i just have to let you goIf the feeling is gone
All i ask is just a little honestyThough i know that you're not coming back to meYou know i'll do anything to make you stayBut i just have to let you goI just have to let you goI just have to let you goIf the feeling is gone....
All i ask is just a little honestyThough i know that you're not coming back to meYou know i'll do anything to make you stayBut i just have to let you knowIf the feeling is gone
There's a sadness in your smileThough I try to conceal itI can tell that the feeling is gone
All i ask is just a little honestyThough i know that you're not coming back to meYou know i'll do anything to make you stayBut i just have to let you goIf the feeling is gone
All i ask is just a little honestyThough i know that you're not coming back to meYou know i'll do anything to make you stayBut i just have to let you goI just have to let you goI just have to let you goIf the feeling is gone....
November 23, 2007
November 3, 2007
+ 喜歡的香水味..成了令人心痛的香味..毫不留情的諷刺著自己.... +
+ 喜歡的香水味..成了令人心痛的香味..毫不留情的諷刺著自己.... +
November 1, 2007
October 23, 2007
太太在二十五歲時問丈夫, 丈夫 沮喪的回答她 : 我 錯過一個新的工作機會。 三十五歲時, 丈夫 生氣的告訴她 : 我剛 錯過了一班公車。 四十五歲時, 丈夫 傷心的說 : 我 錯過與親人見最後一面。 五十五歲時, 丈夫 失望的回答 : 我 錯過了退休的好時機。 六十五歲時, 丈夫 匆匆的答說 : 我 錯過了看牙醫的時間。 一如往常的, 太太總是回以 微笑, 而 微笑中總帶著落寞。 七十五歲那年, 太太不再問先生了 , 此時, 先生正跪坐在病危的 太太 面前, 想起 太太每隔一段時間, 總要問他的問題,他反過來問太太 , 而 太太的 微笑中帶著解脫 回答: 這一生,我 沒有錯過你! 此時, 先生早已淚流滿面, 原以為兩人可以永遠在一起, 所以,終日忙著工作與繁瑣的事, 卻從不曾用心體貼朝夕相處的另一半, 先生 緊抱著太太 說: 這輩子,我 錯過妳五十年來的 深情 ? 繁忙的都市裡,有著許多為工作打拚的人, 大家總習慣於把工作當成生活的重心, 為了滿足社會的價值, 不惜 出賣自己的 時間與 身體 , 捨不得多花時間投資健康, 以至於 錯過了 陪同孩子成長 的機會、 忽略 了身旁關心 自己的親友、輕忽 了自己的身體 。 珍惜,果真要在錯過後才能感受? 沒有人知道 明年今日會怎麼? 人世無常,趕緊把握當下,把心中的感激告訴 愛你的人、 用行動 關心你的家人,把 每一天 都當成 人生的 最後一段, 即使走了,也能讓 自己及 身旁的人 了 無遺憾。 我想我也錯過了很多很多
September 12, 2007
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